
Iterating on Eternal

Testing for the new version of the Eternal format is well on its way and we’re now issuing the first update. As some of you might not be in the playtesting Discord but are happy simply playing online, here’s the version 1 update. We’ve decided to move on to a 7-point limit for better granularity and had to add Salvaged Vanadis Armory as the only banned card, as that archetype ended up non-interactively winning games as early as turn 2 or 3.

Testing on the format continues and we expect to move on to public tournaments very soon. Stay tuned for announcements on that!

Eternal Points List, Version 1.0


7 points to spend (for up to a full playset of each)


  • Salvaged Vanadis Armory

3 Points

  • Account Siphon
  • Hyperdriver
  • Temüjin Contract

2 Points

  • Blackmail
  • Clan Vengeance
  • Crowdfunding
  • Data Leak Reversal
  • DDoS
  • False Echo
  • Mars for Martians
  • Şifr
  • Tech Trader

1 Point

  • Aaron Marrón
  • Bloo Moose
  • Counter Surveillance
  • Déjà Vu
  • Employee Strike
  • Rumor Mill
  • Snitch
  • Vamp
  • Zer0


7 points to spend (for up to a full playset of each)

3 Points

  • Jinteki: Potential Unleashed

2 Points

  • Accelerated Diagnostics
  • Cerebral Imaging: Infinite Frontiers
  • Estelle Moon
  • Friends in High Places
  • Jackson Howard
  • Mumbad City Hall
  • Mti Mwekundu: Life Improved
  • Power Shutdown
  • Sensie Actors Union

1 Point

  • 24/7 News Cycle
  • Anoetic Void
  • Breaking News
  • Breached Dome
  • Bio-Ethics Association
  • Caprice Nisei
  • Kakugo
  • Scarcity of Resources
  • Shock!
  • Spin Doctor
  • Sting!
  • Obokata Protocol
  • Violet Level Clearance
  • Whampoa Reclamation


  • Oguz Han "lostgeek" Asnaz

    Oguz Han is a member of Null Signal Games' Standard Balance Team for Netrunner. He is a tournament organizer in Kiel, Germany and prominently featured on Paule's Café.