
NISEI’s Visual Assets Now Available

We are very happy to announce that, as of today, NISEI is releasing our faction logos and game glyphs for anyone in the Netrunner community to use! They are free to download in SVG format, and released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-ND 4.0). 

These assets can be downloaded at this page. Before downloading them, please take care to read the Terms and Conditions for their use, as well as the guidelines authored by our Art Director, Krembler. We’d like everyone to bear in mind that misuse of these assets could have negative consequences for NISEI, so please follow those guidelines very closely!

We’re very excited to see what the community makes with these, and would love it if you could share your creations on our social media accounts! Feel free to tag us on Twitter as @ProjectNISEI, or share with our Facebook page. Go forth and create!
