

If you stand on Manta Beach as dawn breaks on the Andes, you can see a twinkling thread stretching above the city’s skyline. As faint as passing imagination, but reaching ever upwards. A golden rope tying the earth to the heavens, the past to the future. Frayed by the vicissitudes of corporate war and the battering of terrorist cabals, but patched and repaired.


Change is inevitable and comes in many forms. Not even the strongest reinforced buckyweave will last forever. The events of the past have pushed and pulled. Controversial measures have been enforced from above, attempting to lock down society into the elite’s desired shape. In reaction, a groundswell of unified outrage has risen up from below, allowing runners to fight back from directions never seen before. As these conflicts run their course, hope begins to permeate New Angeles. Some take solace that the citadel of the Beanstalk did not fall, others breathe easy as the corporate grip loosens. It’s a new world, and everything is on the table.

Things are looking up.

(More set fiction: “While We Sleep” // “Retention”, “Paradise”, “Gachapon”)

Uprising is the second set of the Ashes Cycle. It is compatible with Android: Netrunner and contains 65 cards, including three identities (two Corp and one Runner). While expanding on the designs of Downfall, it also introduces new ideas like lockdowns—powerful Corp operations that dissuade the Runner for an entire turn.

Fast Facts

Ashes set icon
  • Release date: December 16, 2019
  • Cycle: Part 2 of 2 in the Ashes Cycle
  • Size: 3 copies each of 65 cards (including 5 reprints)
  • Total cards: 195 cards
  • Set symbol: Damaged space elevator
  • NetrunnerDB set abbreviation: ur

Get Uprising

Uprising is available as physical cards from our print-on-demand partners, or as a pay-what-you-want print and play. Click the sections below to learn more about each option.

Important note about avoiding customs charges: We recommend that you consult MakePlayingCards’s Shipping Information page for details on customs charges. For EU orders in particular, MPC guarantee no customs charges on orders up to a value of $300 excluding shipping, but only if ordered via their Standard Shipping option! 

Not sure which storefront to pick? Check out NISEI’s handy Purchase Guide for a rundown of the options.

Note: Due to card back differences between our products, as well as due to different color matching between our different printing partners, these cards should be used in opaque sleeve

This option provides NISEI the most revenue, but shipping is expensive for customers outside the US. The cardstock is of a similar quality to classic cards produced by Fantasy Flight Games.

This option is similarly priced to DriveThruCards and has affordable shipping for non-US customers. The cardstock is slightly thinner than classic Fantasy Flight Games cards. Discounts are available if ordering multiple packs.

We recommend you carefully review MakePlayingCards’s Shipping Information page for details on customs charges.

This option is slightly more expensive than the Standard option above. The premium price pays for a cardstock that is a bit thicker than other options. Discounts are available if ordering multiple packs. As with the Standard option, shipping is affordable for non-US customers.

We recommend you carefully review MakePlayingCards’s Shipping Information page for details on customs charges.

Our authorized resellers are longstanding community members who bulk-order stock from MakePlayingCards in order to provide cheaper products for players in their region. Their stock is identical to MakePlayingCards’ Standard quality.

Additionally, local groups often organize bulk buys from MakePlayingCards to bring the cost of the product down. We encourage you to ask players in your area if a bulk buy is being organized. If your local group is too small to benefit from bulk discounts, there are national-level bulk buys being organized (most often following the release of a new set), such as a North American one by community member Myldside.

Pay what you’d like and print on your own printer! This file contains full-color art of card faces, with no bleed or card backs. Cut them out with scissors and put them in sleeves!

After downloading the files, if you’d like to say thanks, you can donate to NISEI either via PayPal or our Patreon.

Rotation and Legality

Upon release, Uprising immediately became legal for Casual Tier events, such as GNKs and Store Championships. It became legal on December 27, 2019 for Competitive Tier events (Regional Championships and above).

When Uprising became legal for Competitive Tier events on December 27, 2019, the following sets rotated out of Standard:

  • Creation and Control
  • The Lunar Cycle

Learn more about set legality in different formats on the Supported Formats page.

Uprising Frequently Asked Questions

No. This is not an introductory set. If you are new to Netrunner, you should begin with System Gateway, our introductory product, and check out our Learn to Play guide.

The Ashes Cycle is NISEI’s first full expansion for Netrunner. It contains two sets: Downfall and Uprising. As two halves of the cycle, Downfall and Uprising are built around the same creative themes and mechanics as one another.

You do not need Downfall to play with the cards in Uprising, nor vice-versa, although having both will unlock and empower particular synergies that may be lacking if you only have one or the other.

No. NISEI cards use entirely original art assets, including the images on the back of the cards. When you play NISEI cards alongside Android: Netrunner cards, we recommend sleeving all your cards in opaque sleeves so that their backs are not visible.

If you are playing in competitive events, you must use opaque sleeves.

Uprising contains 60 original cards and 5 reprints of classic cards.

There are no plans at this time to do that.

More about Uprising

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