Hey runners, consider this fair warning: You’ve got a week to find your passport and a change of clothes cos in seven days the hype train is leaving and we ain’t stopping for nothing.
That’s right, it’s almost time for…
Part 1 of Ashes, known as Downfall, will be out mid-March. So what do the next 35 days look like?

“Reduced Service” by Krembler
18th of Feb: Spoiler Season starts, and I’ll be showing off my favourite 3 cards in the set and getting some info from the design and creative teams on the inspiration behind both the mechanics and the artwork
20th of Feb: Dis & Co talk us through how the creative process works, and we’ll show off a new tool we’re using to generate some pretty fancy new art
22nd of Feb: Akira, the Queen of Jnet tournaments herself, gives us a rundown of some of her favourite Downfall cards
25th of Feb: Community Spoiler Week begins! We’ve given a few cards each to a collection of community bastions, who over the next seven days will release a podcast, stream, video or article about those cards. We’ll point you at one (or two) a day, as they drop, from our NISEI Facebook page and Twitter account.
4th of March: Don’t worry if you don’t do social media because this will be a wrap-up article listing them all, with a couple of new “friendos” for you to meet.
6th of March: Anzekay uses some of the new cards to walk us through the development process
8th of March: Some playtesters talk about some cards, in a way that will be familiar to anyone who remembers the Stimhack Card Review articles.
11th of March: We’ll show you all the fabulous Runner cards, in one place.
13th of March: Same, but with the Corp cards.
15th of March: @crithitd20’s Design Overview
18th of March: Downfall is available to buy (from a Print on Demand service) or download to proxy! It is immediately legal for Casual Tier events (such as Store Championships). We’ll also be putting out an update to the Big Ol’ Rules Document, and some Release Notes to answers rules questions you might have about the new cards. Aren’t we good to you? 😀
29th of March: Downfall would be legal for Competitive Tier events – if there were any in this part of the schedule.

“SDS Drone Deployment” by Olie Boldador
The normal article schedule is suspended for the rest of this month – I’m sure you can all work out what we’ve been doing – so while I go and preemptively meditate for a week to get ready for this barrage of editing and publishing of a dozen articles, you can all speculate on what you think Reduced Service and SDS Drone Deployment do!
Until next week…