
In-Person 2020 World Championship Cancelled

It is with great regret that we must announce the cancellation of the in-person NISEI 2020 World Championship. It’s heartbreaking, but 2020 hasn’t left us with much choice in the matter. But don’t worry, we will crown a World Champion. More on that below.

Although October is still four months away, there are a number of reasons why cancelling now is the right thing to do:

  • We cannot ensure that gatherings of 250 or more will be recommended or allowed in Canada.
  • We cannot ensure that travel to and from Canada will be recommended or available to all those who wish to attend.
  • The profound impact that the global crises are having on individuals and their finances would make such an event inaccessible to many.
  • If players from around the world cannot gather easily, safely, and without financial burden, it would not be a World Championship.

If you had booked a room in the NISEI block at the Toronto Sheraton Centre, this reservation has been automatically cancelled, and you should receive confirmation of this cancellation. However, if you have not received such confirmation within a week, you may wish to attempt to cancel the reservation yourself. If you encounter any issue in doing so, please contact us at op@nullsignal.games and we will assist you in resolving the matter.

However. Despite the cancellation of the in-person event, there will be a 2020 World Champion. That’s right, we are hard at work preparing NISEI’s 2020 Online World Championship! Many of NISEI’s various teams are busy developing their piece of the digital World Championship pie. Special mention must go to the architects of Jinteki.net, who are busy developing the improvements necessary to run an event of this size.

We will have additional details about this event in the coming months, so stay tuned to NISEI.net for updates.

As always, we appreciate your flexibility during this difficult and unusual time. We’ll see you in cyberspace.