
Statement Regarding a Change in NSG Leadership

Recently Null Signal Games separated with our Vice President of Product, Kevin. Following years of escalating incidents and feedback, it had regrettably become clear that he was no longer a good fit for our organization. Cutting ties with any member of NSG is something we’ve only done precious few times, and a decision we take very seriously.

While we feel it would be unprofessional and unproductive to delve into specifics, we would like to offer some important context.

  • Kevin controlled numerous operational bottlenecks and often took on more work than was appropriate. This single point of failure resulted in delays. He refused to delegate, and resisted attempts to modify our structure or processes to solutions that were less reliant on his own contributions.
  • Kevin directly operated NSG’s product fulfillment in North America (and was paid by NSG as an independent contractor for this work). This service was plagued by quality issues, and he again resisted initiatives to reshape the program.
  • His position was responsible for facilitating EU and UK fulfillment, which suffered unacceptable delays under his leadership.
  • Kevin was often involved in interpersonal conflict, some quite serious, with increasing frequency and intensity. This was severely impacting the mental health of many members of our team and their ability to continue to work with him.

In spite of his stated intentions to step down from his role as VP, Kevin’s actions continued to cement him as a core part of NSG’s operations and consolidate his power over the organization.

This relationship ultimately reached a breaking point during the push to complete Elevation. With its imminent release, we could tolerate no further delays nor the continued operational risk from Kevin’s control over so many critical processes. The majority of leadership felt that decisive action was warranted, and we made the difficult decision to part ways.

Kevin was offered an opportunity to remain involved with NSG in a more limited role, including North American fulfillment, but declined.

Despite our differences, we are immensely appreciative of Kevin’s contributions to the community and proud of his accomplishments at NSG. We want to particularly highlight the work he has done on Elevation. As an organization we wish Kevin the best and hope sincerely that he remains an upstanding and active member of the community.

At present, Kevin retains admin control of some of NSG’s digital accounts, and remains in possession of approximately $40,000 of unsold product. As of the time of this posting, he has not responded to our requests to hand over the account controls or return said product.

– The Null Signal Games Leadership Team
