
Uprising Spoiler Season Schedule

HELLO MY LOVELY RUNNERS! Welcome to Uprising Spoiler Season, a.k.a. 3 weeks of me being really hyper at you and showing you cool new cards that our resident geeks have been cooking up!

We all know why you’re here, but today is the day I lay out the schedule for you. There’s a scoop at the bottom of this article though, so I’ll wait here while you go check it out.

Ready? OK cool, let’s begin.

25th – Schedule article (that’s this one – I’ll update this page with links to everything once it goes live)

26th – The Design team talk us through a new mechanic. With many examples, obviously! (link)

27th – Some stories about the new NBN ID – GameNET – along with the card itself

28th – The rules guru himself has a new concept to show off, with more examples!

29th – The hype train stops at Earth Station as Laury details Weyland’s newest ID

30th – Morgan talks about some of the cards with interesting development stories

1st – You’ve seen some of her cards in Downfall, but get ready to meet Hoshiko Shiro

From the 1st to the 8th, we hand off to some members of this marvelous community. We’ll give them a shout-out on social media when they’re ready, but keep an eye out for:

9th – Community Week wrap-up, and Akira’s here to talk about some new NBN cards

10th – A few comments from our playtesters on a selection of cards

11th – Lostgeek shows us the card they designed for winning our first Eternal tournament

12th – Zoe talks about some of the cards the in-house team made art for

13th – We told you some old cards would be sticking around as reprints, and here we’ll show you which ones made the cut and why

14th – Every single Corp card in Uprising, in one place

15th – The same, but for Runners


Then we’ll take a little rest, and let you all get on with trying the new cards out.

So, see you tomorrow?

Bravado: 3 credits, 3 Influence (Criminal)

Event: Run

Run a server protected by ice. When that run ends, gain 6 credits, plus 1 credit for each piece of ice you passed during that run.

“Hold my wine. I’m going in” – Red Comyn


  • Serenity "SwearyPrincess" Westfield

    Serenity is the VP of Engagement for Null Signal Games, and wishes it was her full time job. Known by some as "Netrunner's Cool Goth Mom", she's a DJ in her spare-spare time and streams under the psuedonym SwearyPrincess!