Hey folks, Ed here from the Null Signal Station podcast. We wish you a very merry scoops season, and hope you’re enjoying it as much as we are.
Thanks to all those who listened to our first episode. It’s been great to see so many of you tuning in and we look forward to you joining us in the coming months for more news, rules, and interviews with members of the Netrunner community across the world.
For episode 2, Ginevra and Sanjay had the opportunity to sit down with Lead Developer Divadus, who brought a few treats for them discuss: not one, not two, but five preview cards from The Automata Initiative! With so much to dig into, this will obviously be a slightly longer episode than usual, and won’t feature the news or rules segments. Check out the links below to listen to the episode.
We hope you enjoy the window into the post-design process, and hearing about the lifecycle of these cards. If you have any queries, questions, concerns, or want a shout out for an upcoming event, you can now drop us a line at podcast@nullsignal.games. We look forward to hearing from you in the future!
Thanks again to all the people whose hard work goes into producing the show. Next episode, we’ll be touching base with someone many of you will be familiar with and discussing the organised play schedule for the coming months.