
Null Signal Games @ GAMA 2025

We are pleased to confirm that NSG will be attending GAMA Expo 2025 to present Netrunner to the broader tabletop games industry.

GAMA Expo 2025 will take place in Louisville Kentucky, February 23rd-27th. GAMA is the premier international board games industry trade show. It is an opportunity for professionals across all aspects of the industry to gather in order to share knowledge, network and stay up to date on upcoming releases. This will be NSG’s first time officially attending, and as you might expect for any scrappy band of hackers, we plan to go all out!

This trade show is strictly for industry insiders. Among other things, it is an opportunity for publishers to make connections and generate interest from retailers. We would love for any interested retailers to attend our premier presentation and/or come visit us at our booth. If your local game store carries our product, or might be interested in doing so, and is represented at GAMA, please do encourage them to come and speak to us!

NSG @ GAMA 2025: Details

  • Exhibit Hall: Booth #416, Sunday 23rd-Thursday 27th Feb
  • Premier Presentation: Null Signal Games and the Legacy of Netrunner, Wednesday 26th Feb 12:00pm (Room L007/008) 
  • Game Night Table: Wednesday 26th Feb 8pm-11pm, KICC: Ballroom C

If you are a retailer that is not attending GAMA this year but are still interested in carrying our product, taking part in Elevation’s release or joining our organized play programs, now is a great time to get involved!

Retailers can follow this link to register for our wholesale portal. We will be sending out an email blast to all of our partner stores in the coming weeks.
