
Extension for Circuit Opener Kits / Casual Tournament Kits

Hello Tournament Organizers,

As part of the 2025 competitive season update, we are announcing that Circuit Openers will be rebranded as Casual Tournament Kits (CTKs). Since CTKs are casual events, we want to make sure they are as open and inclusive as possible. We have therefore decided to give organizers the time they need to schedule their CTK events for whenever best suits them and their players – without worrying about deadlines.

As a result, we are extending the time frame that CTKs can be run in to be a little over a year from the announcement date. They will also be the norm going forward to ensure consistency:

  • All H1 CTKs of a given year must now be run by March 31st of the following year.
  • All H2 CTKs of a given year must now be run by October 31st of the following year.

This applies retroactively, meaning it applies to existing Circuit Opener kits:

  • The 2023 H2 kit must be run by the end of October 31st, 2024
  • The 2024 H1 kit must be run by March 31st, 2025
  • The 2024 H2 kit must be run by October 31st, 2025

To avoid confusion, we will be reproducing these dates in related articles and on store pages, and within the physical kits themselves starting in the 2025 season. We hope you have fun at your upcoming COs!


  • Odonuvo

    Odonuvo is part of the NSG Organized Play team. When he's not cycling or dragon boating you can find him at local tournaments trying to flatline runners from Jinteki HQ.