Runners! <3
It’s the third weekend of the month, and all is busy at NISEI Plaza still! As is traditional, here’s a little info dump for you as to what we’ve been up to. Before we get into that, I can reveal that the cycle formerly known as NISEI-1 will be called Ashes, and released in two sets that will be named next week.
And now, on with the show… here’s a list of what we’ve done, and what we’re currently working on.

- OP Resources section added to site
- System Core 2019 added to NRDB
- Resolved the issue with duplicate cards on NRDB
- CoC and OP guidelines translation ongoing, with some languages complete
- International glossary complete
- @3N1GM4 has taken over as Lead Web Developer
- Patreon in the process of being developed; hope to have it up for review by their moderators this week, with a lovely mix of both sensible and silly rewards
- Planned content for Friday articles until March
- Developing alt art templates for promo purposes
- Store Championship assets print-ready
- Commissioning art for Q2 GNK complete
- Commissioning art for Ashes: Set 1 underway
- Fixed alignment issues on corp card back
- Created Runner card back
- Developing new faction glyphs
- Frames for standard templates ongoing
- Working on Ashes card names and flavour text
- Writing stories to go with the Ashes release
- Planning setting and story for NISEI-2
- Planning release mechanism for Ashes
- Discussing setting and story for NISEI-2 with creative
- Discussing additional ‘saved from rotation’ targets excluded from System Core 2019 for inclusion in a future set
- Playtesting Ashes
- Reviewing designs in Ashes
EDI Team
- Finalising initial accessibility survey
Organised Play
- 2019 Q1 GNKs now mostly dispatched. A limited number of the Q1 GNK is still available for sale though, if you missed out – but only while supplies last! (a second issue with EU customs has caused more delays there; our playmat supplier has assured us there will be no issue with future shipments (they spelled @Vesper’s name wrong on the paperwork), and we are sourcing a card supplier within Europe. The last piece of the puzzle has finally cleared customs and should be on its way to European TOs within a few days!)
- 2019 Store Champ kits now available to purchase
- Writing version 1.1 of the Organized Play Policies
- 1st Eternal tournament held, and considered a success! Learnings from this are being documented, ready for our next online event, which will be announced soon.
- Designing Regional Championship application process
- Finalized contents of the 2019 Q2 Game Night Kit
- Working with Creative on Regional Kit contents and sourcing token suppliers
- Continuing to search for World Championship venues
- Created first draft of NISEI Org Chart with the Community team
- Various miscellaneous projects, including creating tournament brackets, table numbers, decklists, and more, and revising Draft and NAPD 3-vs-1 rules
- Planned first major Comprehensive Rules update
- Discussed how to handle card templating, for both new and old cards
- Further work on the 5 year plan; more info to be revealed early 2019
- Continuing to sort out our tax and Non-Profit status
And there you have it! Full steam ahead as usual.

Next week, I’ll be bringing you a little retrospective on the game in 2018, both from an internal and external point of view. Until then my dear h4xx0rs,