
2019 European Championships Info & Clarifications

Hello Runners! The 2019 European Championships are just a few days away and we’re very excited to see you all there! If you haven’t yet signed up or are still on the fence about attending, there are still a few tickets left. We’ve got some important information to share, as well as some friendly reminders regarding this event:

All events will be held in area “Q” of Hall 3a at the NEC. We have been allocated four rows of tables which will be clearly marked. Please see https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/venue.php for a map of the venue. Upon arrival, please check in at tournament HQ.

Please arrive at 9:00 AM or sooner. You must have turned in your decklist to tournament HQ by 9:30 AM so that the event can begin promptly.

What to bring
Make sure you have all materials necessary to compete – legal decks, opaque sleeves, tokens, etc. It is wise to bring a playmat and extra sleeves although this is not required. It’s also recommended to bring along your spare promos to trade with other players!

Blank decklists and pens will be available at tournament HQ. If you prefer to fill out a list in advance, you can find one at http://nullsignal.games/op/resources. Please double-check that your decks are legal. The main event will follow the Standard format. Decklists will not be required for the Core Experience or Eternal side events. More information on formats here.

Proxies and fanmade alt-arts are allowed at this event, provided they conform to the NISEI proxy policy found in the Organized Play Policies. This is a Competitive-level event, so remember that they must be approved by a member of tournament staff before the event begins. Please allow us to do so when you turn in your decklists. Handwritten and hand drawn proxies will not be allowed.

Handling language barriers
This event will be attended by players from around the world. As such, if you are having difficulty reading cards in a language you are not familiar with, or you and your opponent do not speak a common language, please call a judge or a member of tournament staff – we collectively speak several languages and can help translate, or we can get you card text in your language.

Since we will not have access to a printer onsite, pairings will be posted online at http://cobr.ai/EURO. There will be no physical, printed pairings or standings sheets. If you do not have a mobile device or internet connection to access the site, please go to tournament HQ between each round where tournament staff can tell you your pairing.

Day 1
The main event begins at 9:30 AM on Friday, 31 May. There are 7 65-minute rounds of Swiss. A lunch break of approximately one hour will be provided at the conclusion of round 3. There are no scheduled side events on Day 1.

Day 2 – main event
The main event of Day 2 begins at 9:30 AM on Saturday, 1 June. The top 8 or those with 30 or more event points at the end of Day 1 will advance to Day 2. There will be a tiebreaker round if necessary, and then the top 8 will be seeded into a double elimination bracket. We have decided to remove the additional Swiss rounds on Day 2 to shorten it and allow competitors to participate in NISEI side events or other events at the UKGE.

Day 2 – side events
Side events will run all day during the Day 2 main event, Saturday 1 June. Signup sheets will be available at tournament HQ all day, both days. Every hour on the hour between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM names will be called in the order they appear on the signup sheets. You must be present to be seated, and at least 4 players must be present for an event to fire. You may sign up for either Eternal or Core Experience, or both. Should you sign up for both, you will be given the choice when you name is called. There is no specified entry fee but donations to the Mermaids charity are encouraged. Decklists for side events are not required, but please ensure your decks are legal by double-checking here. In addition to what is found here, prize support includes older FFG promos such as Magnum Opus, NAPD Contract, Gabriel Santiago, and more.

Updated prize support
The original prize support structure found here will be followed, with two modifications: 3x alt-art SSL Endorsement will no longer be the prize for advancing to Day 2, but rather for the top 24 players at the conclusion of Day 1, and 3x alt-art IP Block will be given to the top 48 players regardless of attendance. Additional prize support including plastic identities and a secret not-yet-announced promo will be raffled to random players each round.

The three main individuals running the European Championship are Austin Mills (he/him), Akira Mitchell (she/her), and Vesper (he/him). They will be recognizable by their wit, charm, good looks, and black NISEI shirts. Other members of the NISEI team will be helping out intermittently or as required. Please do not hesitate to call a member of tournament staff if you have an issue – a rules dispute, an issue with another player’s behaviour, etc. See the Organized Play Policies for details.

Please see https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/visitor.php for more information about the UKGE. Remember that you will need a convention badge in addition to your event ticket to participate.

That’s all for now!

– The NISEI Organized Play Team