
Continentals Megastream: Call for Volunteers!

With the online Continental Championships announced, we would like to invite community streamers around the world to participate in NISEI’s Continentals Megastream!

As each event will cover a large and distinct geographical area, many people around the world will be interested in watching them, whether live or later on. Although we will be streaming each event on the official NISEI Twitch channel (with special guest co-hosts and prize raffles), we would like to make these events as global and inclusive as possible, and invite everyone interested in streaming them to participate.

With this in mind, we are calling on all interested community streamers to join the Continentals Megastream in any of the following ways:

  1. If you plan to stream your own games, make sure you set your stream’s game to “Android: Netrunner” to make it easy for viewers to find it. On Twitch, for instance, viewers can search for Android: Netrunner streams. Also, please contact us by sending a message to this address, so that we can mention your stream in our Continental Megastream list. This list will be accessible via bot command during our stream, and hopefully on our website beforehand.
  2. If you are interested in joining our stream as a guest commentator, please get in touch with us by sending a message to this address.
  3. If you are interested in streaming any events in which you are not playing, please contact us by sending a message to this address so that we can ensure you are provided with any passwords necessary to spectate the games. We will contact you with more details. Please mention it if you will be streaming in a language other than English, so that we can direct viewers to streams in their native language!

During the event, we encourage participants to share their experiences on social media using the #NISEIContinentals hashtag! This will make it easy for the community to follow along, and certainly won’t be used for nefarious trace attempts.

We hope that the community’s participation and enthusiasm will make the online Continental Championships both fun and memorable for everyone, wherever on the globe (or Heinlein) they might be watching from. See you in c-space!


  • Spencer Dub

    Spencer hangs out on Null Signal's Narrative and Visual teams. He lives in Oregon, USA with his wife, cat, and daughter, only one of whom he's successfully introduced to the game so far.