
LFG (Of Commentators for Worlds)

Hello there Runners! 

RealityCheque here again, this time with a call to arms from Johno, who you may remember was one of our first two Community Champions! Over to you Johno…

Hi there! I’m delighted to have been asked to provide live stream coverage of the 2019 NISEI World Championship. I’m going to do all I can to make it a great event for those who can’t make it to the Schiecentrale in person, but I need your help!

If you would like to volunteer to provide commentary for Friday, Saturday or Sunday, you must:

  • Be at the event in person, of course
  • Be able to speak confidently and entertainingly in English over a live broadcast
  • Be knowledgeable about at least the basics of Netrunner on Friday or Saturday, or be able to give a more detailed analysis on Sunday
  • Be willing NOT to play at all on the day you volunteer for*

I plan to enlist a few people each day to operate in rotating pairs, so you won’t be expected to spend more than two consecutive rounds on commentary. Chosen individuals for Friday and Saturday will be notified well in advance of the event itself.

I’m looking for a diverse cast of commentators so would particularly encourage non-cis white male players to consider volunteering. I’d also like to encourage interest from players who don’t necessarily consider themselves top-level players. The ability to be engaging and entertaining is more important than player skill.

If you want to put yourself forward, please complete this form!

*Of course, no one knows if they’ll be lucky enough to play on Sunday. Feel free to volunteer and I will choose at short notice from those volunteers who did not qualify for the second day of play.


  • Serenity "SwearyPrincess" Westfield

    Serenity is the VP of Engagement for Null Signal Games, and wishes it was her full time job. Known by some as "Netrunner's Cool Goth Mom", she's a DJ in her spare-spare time and streams under the psuedonym SwearyPrincess!