A little over a month ago, we ran a tournament to raise money for The Bail Project in support of Black Lives Matter protesters. Over a gruelling marathon session, we raised an amazing eight thousand dollars from donations and sales alone. Combined with the four thousand dollars that NISEI pledged to match, we raised a frankly ridiculous total of:
Those of you who watched the stream may remember that we said if we hit $12,000 that we’d make the exclusive promo design of I’ve Had Worse available as a playmat. Today we’re going to keep that promise.
We will only be ordering one batch of these mats. To get hold of one, send $25 (US) to projectnisei@gmail.com via PayPal and include a note on the payment starting with BLMmat. Please also make sure you include your address. We know misclicks and memory issues happen, though, so if you forget to include your address, send a followup email with your address and the subject line “BLM Mat” to the above address from the same email you use for PayPal. The $25 includes shipping costs, and all profits go to the donation pool.
We’re closing orders for this on the 8th of August, and the playmats will be sent out once they have arrived, alongside any prizes for the event itself and for the currently-running Continental Championships. We currently expect this to be early September, but we’ll keep you updated. Follow NISEI here and on Facebook and Twitter to stay on top of this and other news.
For those of you who have been asking about watching the stream, it seems that a 13-hour video is a little too much for YouTube, so we’re currently chopping it up. Follow us on YouTube to get notified when the sections get uploaded!
We are still in awe and heartened by the support of the Netrunner community for this critically important cause. We hope you’ll continue supporting fights for human rights in your local communities. That’s one of the most cyberpunk things you can do.