
A New Agenda for 2020 Championships

After much deliberation, the Organized Play team is very sorry to announce that this year’s in-person European Championship, which was to be hosted during the Berlin Brettspiel Con in July 2020, is cancelled due to the ongoing lockdown caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic.

We are not sure how long this will last, and therefore are unable to reschedule this event with certainty, so we have decided to host it online, making it the biggest event yet to be hosted on Jinteki.net!

To make things more interesting, this year there will be three Continental Championships:

  • European Championship 2020
  • American Championship 2020
  • Asian-Australian Championship 2020

The top eight winners of each Championship will then be invited to participate in a never-before-seen Inter-Continental Tournament. For this reason, each interested player will choose a single Continental Championship of the three to compete in.

We know you might be disappointed, and NISEI has not made this decision lightly. Championship events have historically been highly anticipated, and they showcase the passion and vibrancy of the game’s community. But the circumstances and uncertainty of this unprecedented global crisis have led to us to make the toughest of calls. We must consider not only the restrictions on gatherings, but also personal difficulties that players in the community may be enduring now and in the near future. After debating many possibilities, we determined holding the event online is the only fair solution.

Dates, formats and how to register will be posted soon with the prize support for each tournament. Keep your eye on NISEI.net for updates, and be sure to follow NISEI on Facebook and Twitter to be informed of the latest news!

We appreciate the flexibility and understanding of the community during this unusual time, and we look forward to sharing the excitement of the Inter-Continental Tournament with you later this year. We will, of course, Always Be Running–but for the time, we follow another directive, and we hope you’ll do the same.
