
2025 Season Circuit Breaker Invitational Rules Change

We have a small change to announce regarding how invitations to the Circuit Breaker Invitational (CBI) will be handed out in the 2025 season. Note that this change does NOT affect the upcoming CBI taking place in January 2025. The first tournaments affected by this change will be the 2025 District Championships and the 2025 H1 Casual Tournament Kit.

Starting with all 2025 competitive season kits, CBI invites will no longer roll down infinitely and are instead restricted to only the players who made the top cut in the event. In events where there is no top cut, invitations may only be handed out to the top two placing players. These restrictions aside, the number of invitations available will still be based on tournament attendance as in the 2024 season.

The main reason for this change is that at the start of 2023 we increased the amount of invites awarded at all events to one invite per 20 players, on top of the one it was previously. This increase in the amount of invites and the increasing amount of meatspace tournaments has caused invites in the later part of the year to roll down to very low placings.

In addition, the amount of invites, and the amount of people that already have them, is causing extra work for tournament organizers during larger events, who have to track people down to confirm that everybody has the correct invite.

If people have feedback on these changes or on anything else about the upcoming Organized Play season we would love to hear any concerns and ideas – reach us on op@nullsignal.games

We hope everybody is as excited as we are for the 2025 organized play season!


  • Aksu

    Organized play team member and active PD+Hoshiko OTP, on a mission to win Swedish nationals someday.