
Uprising – Release

Good news, everybody… Uprising is now on sale!

A few notes before you rush off to order it:

  • Uprising becomes Standard legal for Competitive events on the 27th of December, at which point the “Creation and Control” deluxe and “Lunar” cycle rotate
  • Our suppliers have increased their prices slightly, which means Uprising is slightly more expensive than Downfall was at release.
  • The Korean and Japanese translations are currently in review, and we will make them available in “Print and Play” ASAP and on MPC once they have then been approved for sale.
  • The Release Notes document is currently being assembled based on the questions we’ve had about the cards since their reveals, this will be available before Uprising becomes legal for Standard format.
  • If you’re ordering from MPC, the very talented Artist Colony people have various store fronts where they sell alt-arts – why not see if there’s anything you like, and save on shipping?


  • Serenity "SwearyPrincess" Westfield

    Serenity is the VP of Engagement for Null Signal Games, and wishes it was her full time job. Known by some as "Netrunner's Cool Goth Mom", she's a DJ in her spare-spare time and streams under the psuedonym SwearyPrincess!