
Exposé (Part 3 – 2018/11)

Hey there runners! A quick note before we get into the monthly update… we’ve taken on board the feedback that last weeks article was very long, and hard to read as a result. You’re right, it didn’t seem that long when putting it together but when I zoomed out I was stunned by how much it had grown putting extra bits in. To this end, we’re taking that info and splitting it into smaller reference articles, which I won’t be sharing individually to social media but I will link to them all next week once they’re done. We’re also working out how best to host this info on the site, to make it easier to find once some time has passed.

And now, on with the show… here’s a list of what we’ve done, and what we’re currently working on.


  • Website up and running
  • NRDB transfer successful
  • Inclusive Language Document for translators written
  • OP Resources section being added to site
  • System Core 2019 being added to NRDB
  • Translation team growing very quickly
  • CoC translation ongoing (some languages complete)
  • OP guidelines next on the list to translate
  • Several articles in the pipeline to put us on MWF schedule (M long form, W quick content, F main updates)
  • New WebDev team in place, and setting up local instances of nullsignal.games and NRDB for working on
  • Initial location hunt for Worlds started


  • Developing alt art templates for promo purposes
  • Store Champs kit scheduled to be print-ready Nov 30
  • Commissioning art for Q2 GNK
  • Fixing alignment issues on card backs and creating Runner card back
  • Developing new faction glyphs
  • New standard glyphs developed and updated (credit, link, etc.)
  • Beginning frames for standard templates


  • Handing off the first complete draft of NISEI-1 set to Dev this week; corp cards finished, runner cards are 80% and will be where the team wants them by end of week


  • Discussing additional ‘saved from rotation’ targets excluded from System Core 2019.
  • Beginning first pass of Corp half of NISEI-1. (Believe the hype)

EDI Team

  • Finished Code of Conduct
  • Got CoC online
  • Finalising initial accessibility survey

Organised Play

  • Over 500 GNKs ordered; if DHL can get their act together, these should be shipping out by the end of the month 🙂
  • Rewrote the OP policies document (which can be found on last Friday’s article on nullsignal.games and very soon on the website).
  • We’re hosting a jinteki.net tournament on the 1st and 2nd of December using the Eternal format – more details again found in last Friday’s article (and also in other business)
  • Working on several new assets: tournament brackets, decklists, match slips, etc.


  • Taking time off from Rules to help the Board sort out a monthly schedule and 5 year plan, which we are close to finalizing.

Other Business

The Eternal Tournament is on the 1st, with the swiss starting at 3pm GMT on Jinteki.net and then the cut on the 2nd. All errata and the Eternal MWL is in effect, if you want in, please sign up here. And if you’re not sure what’s in Eternal, check our Format Guide

We’re still looking to grow our translation team… if you speak multiple languages and are able to volunteer some time for this, we would love to hear from you via this form.

We’re always looking for playtesters, just fill in this survey and we’ll be in touch with you soon.

Our 2019Q1 GNK is available to buy – if you can’t use PayPal, drop an email to projectnisei@gmail.com and we’ll try and sort something out with you.

You can anonymously submit questions and they’ll be answered publicly here. You can also ask them directly in that thread if you wish. Keep them coming and we’ll do our best to answer them when we can.

And that’s a wrap! 5 year plans, eh… it’s looking good, and I for one can’t wait to share it with you all. Speaking of sharing, next week is the 5th Friday of the month… which if you recall way back when I set this schedule, I said it was going to be something special. It’s SCOOP WEEK! So next week, we’re aiming to give you a little preview of something from NISEI-1.

Even I haven’t seen this, so in order not to get too excited early, I suggest you join me jamming some games and as ever


  • Serenity "SwearyPrincess" Westfield

    Serenity is the VP of Engagement for Null Signal Games, and wishes it was her full time job. Known by some as "Netrunner's Cool Goth Mom", she's a DJ in her spare-spare time and streams under the psuedonym SwearyPrincess!