
Join Null Signal Games – Recruitment Drive Update

Since we began our July recruitment drive, we have successfully filled many of the roles. This article is an update on which roles are still outstanding – if you’re still interested in getting involved with Null Signal Games, there are still several ways you can do so!

Rather than setting deadlines for these remaining roles, we will be processing candidates on a weekly basis until the roles are filled.

We are also opening applications for a new post: Recruitment Associate. This role will remain open for two weeks, after which we will select two appropriate candidates. If they are not both filled, these roles will switch to taking applications on a rolling basis as well.

If you are interested in volunteering for Null Signal Games, I highly encourage you to look over the available roles we have on our recruitment portal for the latest information on all of our positions. As well as the roles specified here, we are continuing our rolling recruitment for translators and playtesters. 

Volunteering for NSG has been hugely rewarding for me over the past six years or so, and I cannot recommend doing so yourself enough. With a new Dawn for Netrunner just around the corner we are entering an exciting new era for the game – now is an excellent time to get involved!

Please note: these positions are unpaid. You can and should expect to learn and practice new skills, but Null Signal Games is an all-volunteer organization.

Null Signal Games primarily communicates through an internal Discord server. The ability to access Discord is necessary for all roles.

Recruitment Associate

As a Recruitment Associate you will assist the Recruitment Team Lead in establishing recruiting processes, sourcing talent for the organization, handling inbound applications, and assisting with the onboarding process. Null Signal Games can only make Netrunner if there are enough people in Null Signal Games, so this role is crucial to the functioning of the organization.

A successful candidate will work with other members of the recruitment team, including the recruitment team lead, in order to generate role listings. You will also work with other teams to feedback any questions or concerns that may be raised by applicants, and participate in helping to shape the recruitment process by recommending changes where you find problems or room for improvement. You may also be invited to write articles for our website during recruitment drives.

Applications will remain open for a minimum of two weeks (until the 18th of September). We are aiming to recruit two Recruitment Associates.


  • Interpret user generated forms and turn them into full fledged role listings (just like this one!)
  • Collaborate with other teams across Null Signal Games to create role descriptions that will attract suitable candidates.
  • Interview potential candidates, or support with interviews by acting as a second and/or providing and feeding back on interview questions.
  • Ensure that role postings are up-to-date.
  • Research automated job board solutions to support a move away from article-based recruitment.
  • Support the goal of establishing common recruiting practices by talking with team leads across the organization.
  • Identify upcoming chances to source new candidates (e.g. large tournaments).

Current/Upcoming Projects

  • Update the on and offboarding processes.
  • Create comprehensive documentation of recruitment processes.
  • Create resource documents for other teams on how we can help them find the best candidates.

Must-have skills

  • Good communication skills.
  • The ability to ‘chase up’ other people who may be uncommunicative.
  • The ability to understand where key points are in a text and extrapolate them.

Preferred skills

(These skills would be nice, but can be learned in role)

  • Basic knowledge of recruiting.
  • Experience with project management.


A small number of hours per week in processing new applicants, volunteers, and leavers, plus an additional hour per recruit (spread across the team) to attend interviews.

A note on diversity

We acknowledge that the tabletop industry as a whole needs to do a better job with diversity. We are prioritizing those applicants that can bring different experiences and points of view to NSG than those we currently have in the organization.

NOTE: Null Signal Games is a volunteer organization. All roles at Null Signal Games are unpaid.

To apply for the role of Recruitment Associate, click here.

Web Content Editor

The Community team is expanding the editing team for nullsignal.games to proactively plan and create high-quality content. As a Web Content Editor, you will be central to that strategy. You will identify potential articles, develop article pitches and coverage ideas, work with writers to ensure that writing is high-quality and adherent to the Null Signal Games style guide, and publish articles on our WordPress site. You will have the opportunity to write articles yourself if you are so inclined. You will also edit and update the static content on the Null Signal Games website. While you will collaborate closely with the Lead Editor and writers from teams across Null Signal Games, you will operate with a large degree of autonomy. This is a job with publishing power, so it comes with a degree of responsibility: the articles you publish are part of Null Signal Games’ face to the world, and your creativity and insight will help keep Netrunner fans around the world engaged with Null Signal Games.

Applications will remain open until this role is filled. We are aiming to recruit one additional Web Content Editor.


  • Work with article writers to write and edit articles.
  • Develop article ideas.
  • Work on keeping the NSG website updated.

Current/Upcoming Projects

  • Develop and source pitches for ‘magazine-style’ content–strategy articles, community spotlights, thematic exploration etc. Pitch meetings are monthly, so you’ll have a chance to contribute immediately!
  • Assist with the week-to-week tasks of the Editing team, preparing announcements and updates from other teams for publication.

Must-have skills

  • Strong written communication skills in English.
  • Editing skills: you should not only be able to copy-edit for typos, but also understand when to make bold structural edits to a piece.
  • Interpersonal skills and teamwork.
  • Ability to operate with a large degree of autonomy.
  • Ability to act professionally as an editor and publisher – can we “give you the keys” to nullsignal.games and trust you to make decisions that reflect Null Signal Games well?.

Preferred skills

(These skills would be nice, but can be learned in role)

  • Familiarity with WordPress.
  • Familiarity with graphics software (e.g. Can you crop and resize an image? Can you make a vector image?)
  • Familiarity with HTML and CSS.
  • Other multimedia familiarity.


You will be expected to work between 2 to 5 hours per week, with weekly team check-ins. As our team is split across the globe, some flexibility with time zones is helpful for meetings.

A note on diversity

We acknowledge that the tabletop industry as a whole needs to do a better job with diversity. We are prioritizing those applicants that can bring different experiences and points of view to NSG than those we currently have in the organization.

NOTE: Null Signal Games is a volunteer organization. All roles at Null Signal Games are unpaid.

To apply for the role of Web Content Editor, click here.

Social Media Manager

As Social Media Manager, it will be your job to interact directly with the community through the Null Signal Games accounts on multiple social media sites, both by building excitement around news and events and by responding to comments and questions. You will be working with the other Social Media Managers as well as the Community Team Lead and other Team Leads to make announcements and share news with players and other people outside of the organization.

Applications will remain open until the role is filled. We are aiming to recruit one additional Social Media Manager.


  • Make announcements on behalf of other NSG teams.
  • Publicize blog posts on all our social media.
  • Create hype and excitement for NSG events and releases on our social accounts.
  • Respond to queries from players and people curious about the game.
  • Relay queries and issues to the appropriate NSG team, and reply to the enquirer once an answer has been provided.
  • Share and amplify positive coverage of Netrunner and NSG.
  • Share and amplify noteworthy community events, content, and other endeavors.
  • Share and amplify non-Netrunner related news where it aligns with NSG’s ethos and values .
  • Maintain follower engagement and build community by posting other fun/interesting Netrunner-adjacent content (see one example here).)

Must-have skills

  • Excellent written communication skills in English for social media copywriting.
  • Ability to engage with community members on social media in a professional, calm, and constructive manner. 
  • Good judgement, a sense of responsibility, and worthy of being trusted with being the public face of NSG. 
  • Ability to receive delegated access to our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts – i.e. must have an account of your own to delegate access to.
  • Conduct all communications in line with the NSG Code of Conduct and in accordance with our ethos and brand image, and moderate comments and responses to our posts to remove any instances of hateful or offensive speech.

Preferred skills

(These skills would be nice, but can be learned in role.)

  • History of participation in the Netrunner community. 
  • Technical familiarity with Facebook, Meta Business Suite, Twitter, IG, and Mastodon, in particular their page management, moderation, and scheduling tools.
  • Familiarity with basic social media management and digital marketing principles e.g. how to boost engagement and increase reach, how to understand analytics.
  • Knowledge of other languages in addition to English.
  • Familiarity with TikTok.
  • Graphic design and video editing skills, e.g. to crop a piece of art for a post or make graphics (like the one).

Note: Be sure to mention your time zone – the ability to cover a time zone our team does not currently cover, or to double-cover our busiest time period, is a plus.


You will be expected to work between 1 to 5 hours a week depending on activity, with weekly team check-ins to discuss the work. Our team is split across the globe, so some flexibility with time zones is helpful for meetings.

A note on diversity

We acknowledge that the tabletop industry as a whole needs to do a better job with diversity. We are prioritizing those applicants that can bring different experiences and points of view to NSG than those we currently have in the organization.

NOTE: Null Signal Games is a volunteer organization. All roles at Null Signal Games are unpaid.

To apply for the role of Social Media Manager, click here.

EDI Community and Marketing Liaison

The Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity team is looking for people who can bridge the gap between teams. The EDI team is responsible for ensuring that whoever wants to play Netrunner can play Netrunner. You will achieve this by being in contact with the Community and Marketing teams, advising them and answering questions on accessibility, equality, and diversity issues that come up when new content is created, and in other interactions with players, the community, and other interested parties.

Applications will remain open until the role is filled. We are aiming to recruit one Community and Marketing Liaison.


  • Present recommendations on how the Community team’s messaging across social media and the NSG website can be accessible to as wide a number of people as possible.
  • Review marketing material to ensure legibility and accessible graphic design.
  • Consider ways in which NSG can further serve marginalized communities and boost engagement with demographics that may have additional barriers to entry.
  • Communicate questions and concerns between Community, Marketing and EDI and help us to find solutions to them.
  • There may be opportunities to engage with a wider range of Community and Marketing work outside of specific EDI tasks, depending on your interest and the needs of the teams.

Current/Upcoming Projects

  • EDI are planning to lead a review of the current NetrunnerDB code of conduct and work with the community and webdev teams to establish and implement precedents for moderation. 

Must-have skills

  • A passion for the work that both the EDI team does – making the game more accessible – and the Community and Marketing teams do – helping to grow the community and keeping existing members engaged. You will be expected to understand the nuances around all of these roles, though this will come with experience in the role.
  • Good communication skills and an openness to feedback from the wider community.

Preferred skills

(These skills would be nice, but can be learned in role)

  • An understanding of accessible graphic design.


There is no minimum time requirement for this role, although you will be expected to keep an awareness of the plans and discussions taking place within the relevant teams. As our team is split across the globe, some flexibility with time zones is helpful for meetings.

A note on diversity

We acknowledge that the tabletop industry as a whole needs to do a better job with diversity. We are prioritizing those applicants that can bring different experiences and points of view to NSG than those we currently have in the organization.

NOTE: Null Signal Games is a volunteer organization. All roles at Null Signal Games are unpaid.
To apply for the role of EDI Community and Marketing Liaison, click here.


  • Tamijo

    Tamijo is Null Signal's Recruitment Team Lead, and has been a member of the EDI Team since its inception. It enjoys anarch decks, tags, and how queer this community is.